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Saturday, March 24, 2012

Trayvon Martin: The President Weighs In

The tragedy of Trayvon Martin is the outrage that incensed Black America.   The killing of a black teenager, in which the killer is not even questioned, is such an indignity that a movement has been born.   This is the Emmett Till case in the time of social media.  In addition to the social media, there are now black voices in mainstream media who can articulate the pain of what it means to be Trayvon Martin.  As said: "We are Trayvon Martin!"  With Reverend Al at the forefront of this struggle as activist/journalist, he challenges and reports.  There are other voices, as well:  Melissa Harris-Perry; Michael Eric Dyson; Mark Thompson, Joe Madison, Charles Blow,  Karen Finney, Jonathon Capehart, and many other blacks who provide an inner voice on the meaning of Trayvon Martin.   It took the President to say:  If I had a son he would have looked like Trayvon.

The President's Remarks

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